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These rappers always talk about extendos etc no I can care less what you carry if you don't know proper tactics all I need is 1-3 shots to stop your breathing very usefull source.
29 Feb 2012 08:53

These rappers always talk about extendos etc no I can care less what you carry if you don't know proper tactics all I need is 1-3 shots to stop your breathing very usefull source. 

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Bay Area, Ca
Catten with the NCOs of Marines in Laguna Beach, CA. S/O to Sgt. Baker in training at Quantico, VA going on another pump to country #respect These rappers always talk about extendos etc no I can care less what you carry if you don't know proper tactics all I need is 1-3 shots to stop your breathing very usefull source. I bet in my 7 year Marine Corps career I'll have more rounds down range then anything mf on here will have in their life from a pistol/ m16/ ak47 to grenades and Mortars and Rockets shooting gtfoh #Se
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