Wanker yesterday
This is what was said
Some sort of cunt or what?
Here's one of the wankers!
This prick got a contract as well has he Mick?
Some cabbies want fucking shooting if U ask me
He's even started on the new girl,only been out 2 months & he's chatting her up now.
Oh in that case I'll come out there then lmfao,while U mugs do the 2's & 3's we'll come out when its moving
Yeah tell everybody why don't ya!
I did the same but don't broadcast it,muppet!
Morning Mick,what time for PB lmfao
What a mug
Lol,jumping on the band wagon as usual.
Creepy Crawly
Read this
Gets on your nerves Mick,always on about people posting in cabup,fucking thing I'm gonna unfollow soon
Thats all I can find. Leevonleft,Mojo,Mikeinns & Taxidermista all unfollowed me.
Been trawling but getting nowhere
Thats what Mick sent me
Just spotted this
Morning Mick,can't sleep anymore lol.Soppy bugger at it again,crawly arse.
Be lucky mate,have a good day
Yeah Family day Saturday so I spent all day tweeting shit to the girls on here is what Paul should have said lol
Morning Mick,Twitter silence today,just observing.
What a wanker he is.
Spotted this one
Sponges again
Old tosser must be skint,passed me doing at least 45 in Barnes & just pulled in feeder behind him
He didn't like this

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3 sons,4 Grand children & 1 Wife,GB Cab Driver.Arsenal ST Holder


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