LOL! 24 ring tone alert on both the phone or the SmartKey keyfob.
@chrisoldroyd check it out.
@DonnyBenfield Notice how the 5s launches apps faster. Noticeable.
On my terrace: Sounds of a hurricane. Yes, my socks got wet.
Pocket Weather HD now supports push temp badge just like it's little iPhone brother. Very cool. Reinforces my #convertcast pick.
The Yahoo entertainment guide makes a great TV guide for the #iPad.
@harrymyhre for your viewing pleasure
Logmein for iPad kicks butt!
@mobilemike01 what gives?
Love watching YouTube embedded vids especially for software reviews. #TiPb
Got opera mini on my iPad but not yet on my iPhone
Check out how the iPad formats 'tell a friend' for an app store app.  the app advice app is a great info source.
Love the in-line pic view of Twiiterlator for iPad.
The backbeats go against the NYC torture test tomorrow.
Ahhhhh.... A clean car. A rarity considering this crappy winter season.
Bad-ass.  Period.
@DonnyBenfield I also did a search from pc on dnb416 and no show. I wanna watch during lunch. :)
@DizzyDoug how ironic! Just got this email from my pharmacy provider.
Don't cha hate crap like this?
My new 'toy'
My new 'toy'
Outside with push notifications.

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