'Oh whorra beaurriful mornin''
When you look down and find a cat licking the knee of your jeans... #PoppyIsWeird
@FigandPen Here's Ollie for one...
Ollie. Ootfurrit. #Cats
Gove's new hair colour 50 Shades of Ginger
@JC1251916 She ended up cuddling the mouse
I have a running battle with Suzi everytime I sit down to work... She thinks the mousemat is her wee bum rest! #cats
Jock says hi
I think these guys are taunting my moggies. Seriously.
Some of the cats chat with a neighbour's cat behind the fence.
Who loses two shoes right next to each other as they flee a terrorist scene? How did they remain together after a stampede? Shoes = symbols.
My other half drumming in a reunion gig at the Weavers tonight if anyone's in the Cumbernauld area. Say hi. #ManicNoises
I'm so goddam lucky... #MoveToScotland
Cat fences working a treat.
I love John Oliver
You just lie there, Angus... #cats
Sleepyhead Betty loves it in the garden under her brolly. She's out there even in torrential rain.
I'd like to get on and check some emails, Guys, if that's okays with youz... #cats
Duggie, FFs, can I have 5 minutes tae masel! #ClingyMoggie
Looks comfy, Angus... Not.
What a handsome moggie you are, Jock.
#InternationalCatDay Rescue no10, Duggie, helps with the re-potting.
Being back home in Scotland has brought tremendous peace to my original rescue moggie, Betty.
On way to Edinburgh. How lovely is the scenery on the trip.

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Jackie Kane


Actor, writer, director who used to be a graphic designer and wished she'd started all this business earlier


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