Happy to be home!
My horse is very sick today. Colic with 102 degree fever. It's breaking my heart and worrying me like crazy.
Starting off the morning of my 25th b-day w/ a prednisone shot at the dr's for my asthma. Hope today gets better #sick
Just bought a loaf of the yummiest challah ever from @BreadCraft. It's got cranberries and walnuts.
Roanoke Pride Fest is packed!
It's Christmas in August in the photo department! New lighting equipment is getting everyone excited.
Saw a couple of quacks on the way back to the office from Lexington.
Leaky hydrant at Melrose Ave. and 24th St.
Take that! Rode mic didn't come with a shoe mount and of course I didn't realize it til I had to shoot a video #Gaffers
Love seeing my front page photo on the seat of someone's car parked next to mine. But hope they don't sit on it!
It's a word bird.
Wonder if the kids are getting a kick out of this? Or should I say, kick in the butt?
This face always makes me so happy at the end of the day.

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Rebecca Barnett

Roanoke, VA

Photographer @roanoketimes. Visual story teller. People and animal lover. http://www.roanoke.com Photo Blog: http://blogs.roanoke.com/vignette

web www.rebeccambarnett.com


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