@rockettpunk I took the do I need a visa quiz and it says I don't! Woohoo!
Haha i came downstairs to my pups puppy looking out at the rain
Left Portland to get away from this. WTF!!
Yum dinner!
This is sad. Walking down the street to get some tacos
@rockettpunk see lollipop! 
@rockettpunk sabritas!
Es la hora pico!
WTF. She's just swinging on a rope alone on the side of the highway
Just landed in Mexico city! Almost home
Why was this in my laundry??
Yay! #lollipoptheater
Check his pulse!
I love you! And no  @fumby_girl you can't have it!
Had quite an eventful shopping day today
In car  RT @Rene818 It's 9pm, where are you at?
@Rene818 pancake + bean + syrup = soooooo delicious!
It's been 8 days
No fair. I want this but for Mexican football 
@Rene818 sorry  was gonna take video of the snake but cant
I would play pool but 1 it's cold in the garage and 2 my brothers dang escalade is in the way  hate novelas
Were at my brothers. They are all watching novelas on full blast. I'm sitting on the stairs tweeting.
@Bababooey13 when I add it looks like this

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Puebla Mexico

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