On my way into the city.
@Bennodegoeij killing it right now.
Just bought this birthday card for my pal sparky. Who the f**k is cookie?
I love it here. A frozen moment of hope.
This is a joke, I am sure if it was anybody else it would be a different story!
This is NUTS!!!!!!!!
Here is a pic of my dad in his band, taken at The Cavern Club in the 60's.
I saw this on the Internet and thought I would share. MIGHTY WIN!!!!!!
RT @christianburns_: LOLS!!!!! ROFL
RT @christianburns_ OMG Check out the size of this spider we found outside the studio before!!!! HAIRY

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Christian Burns

Manchester, England

I am from England. I make music. I once ate a whole packet of Rich Tea biscuits in 4 mins.

web www.myspace.c...


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