Welcome to Dc
Here u go
Awsome sun rise
How would u like to pay for this everytime u fill up and I could put on another 260 gallons.
Told u I'm not fat or small
@LauraMajercik another pic 
@LauraMajercik yes mam. I never talk politics sorry. So another pic for u.
@LauraMajercik look another buck
@burntpowder rangers always lead the way FYI with out a doubt ur x military. Whoa!
@LauraMajercik hey looookie top right
@PNDoatmeal check out what my game camera caught. Look on top right.
@ConservativeGal nice costume what's the F stand for fakes or fag's
Here is my colors that don't run u fucks
If u see these two gay lords. Oops war lords  of the #WC  wrecking crew. Notify the @thenakedcowgirl they owe her money
These two are the war lords of the #WC
My kinda female hunter!!! Wow!!
Hollween wow.
RT @mikefromNOLA RT @stewie_therock: told u that we new u love the trucker cock! Proof of ur work at the truck stop.
@Kowboyfromhell here is my militarymonday. Sorry we never were allowed video. Hard to video. When ur never there. " wink wink" whoa!!!!
Come 5 more or the kitty get's it!!!!!!!!!!!
White house pumpkin
@AwesomeAshley well since your all excited. We got u a gift to take care of you. Just your type.
@keithdatrucker this. Is one of our girls on twitter.  @FoxiRoxi36dd
@keithdatrucker luv this pic

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on twitter to have fun at everyones exspence even mine just a game to me. oh and one sexy mother truker!


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