I ♥ this picture
Chilling by the pool with Tavi and Praggy
Chilling by the pool with Tavi and Praggy
His eyes are shut! Lol
I have some pretty white grandparents ♥
I was an alien baby -_- my mommy on the left ♥
I have some pretty white grandparents ♥
The shark had 3 babies -_-
I love my dog. She's my baby
I love my dog. She's my baby
Lmao! I laugh every time I see a picture of this girl
"Sydnee!" Lmao!
@oLalaLand_ and @QueenAnaa ♥
Sydnee.. WHAT are you doing?
We've been waiting 5 hours on this tiny ass plane?
Real eye color :)
Our view
We're high..
He's a playa
Baby bro got chosen in the top 10 ball players out of 180! I'm so proud of my boo 
Baby bro got chosen in the top 10 ball players out of 180! I'm so proud of my boo 
We are a fat family

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Victoria Turner

houston, texas harris county



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