Just to prove we are bringing heavy metal back-  I saw this printed on the weights at the gym today. Rad.
Dude!  I saw this at the toy store when I was trying to unload some pot to pay my rent.  We brought Metal back!!
Doing some extra tour dates in Germany.  I think we're playing with Hoobastank here tonight.
We found a prosthetic nose for the dog.
I think he did this to spite his face.
Michael singing a song on our upcoming record.  We were going to title it "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Mexican", cuz Michael's Mexican.
I think the lady behind the counter at Carls Jr is trying to tell me something.
This is what happens when you do a lot of blow after hitting Carls Jr.
Here's a promo pic we ended up not using.

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Steel Panther

iPhone: 34.100246,-118.323746

I rock hard. I get rock hard. I shred on guitar. I'm not gay but I jizzed on a dude in a threesome once.

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