Thank you restaurant Proef! :-) Team Strawberry is officially full! @marijevogelzang
Team Strawberry about to celebrate a successful film festival with a night at @marijevogelzang's restaurant Proef!
Shopping for my outfit for the opening...:-)  #strawberryearthfilmfestival @studiojux @charlieandmary
Guys! We have an AWESOME ambassador in #TheklaReuten - top secret video promo nearly ready ;-)))
Just finished our @portalffw photoshoot! Me and @Azuike and some big ass arrows :-)
Yum! Eco michelin starred restaurant #librije are guest chefs at the palace tonite. First course pic :-)))
Ok, our first #Strawberry style discussions are going to begin in here and I'm the debate leader for our table!?! :-)
I'm heading south :-) Off to Dutch Royal Palace 'Het Loo' with Jacqueline Cramer on this cute little tram
Late friday night photo shoot for our #strawberryfilmfestival
Good stuff @HM Amsterdam office! Greening up office roof! Maybe a job for the Dak Boerin...
Three people in one bath... All will be revealed very soon :-) #strawberryearthmoments
Thank you @green2magazine :)) #eightpagesofstrawberry
Editing the SE Film Festival promo :-)
Filming our SE Film Festival promo video :-)
Mmmmm ;)

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A blog for creative people who care about the planet and we organise fun events too, including: Strawberry Earth Wonderland & Strawberry Earth Film Festival



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