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Время для еды  в Азии и России.
Follow @evolvetrainingsystem for original daily content
One of the major things I try and Instil in my clients right from the start is fitting all the different component of fitness into your current lifestyle, as opposed to letting yourself change your lifestyle based on what other people say is best, that won’t be sustainable. You know what’s best. Work, family and friends will always be there
Do you have to workout in the morning? No. Go workout and smash the weights when you have the time and the energy to do it. Same thing goes for the nutrition aspect. You don’t need to evenly space out your meals exactly 3 hours in between each other and eat 5 meals per day
If your schedule allows you to eat only 3 times. Do that. If you like smaller meals and want to eat 8 times a day, that’s cool. Just know your daily calories and macro intake and split that however you want into your meals, they don’t even have to be even. Just make sure you hit those numbers by the end of the day. That’s all that matters. That goes for fat loss or muscle gain
The only thing I would recommend is not having food immediately before bed and before lifting. Allow at least an hour to an hour and a half for digestion before either one
#gym #lift #exercise #health
#fit  #workout #fitness #fitnesslifestyle  #toronto #abs #muscle #foamrolling #weightlifting #lifting #weights #lifestyle #foamroll #losingweight #weightlossjouney
#musclegain #nutrition #squat #beast
#fatloss #weightloss #bulk #cardio
#healthyfood #personaltrainer #losingfat
4 Mar 2018 23:45

Время для еды в Азии и России.
Follow for original daily content
One of the major things I try and Instil in my clients right from the start is fitting all the different component of fitness into your current lifestyle, as opposed to letting yourself change your lifestyle based on what other people say is best, that won’t be sustainable. You know what’s best. Work, family and friends will always be there
Do you have to workout in the morning? No. Go workout and smash the weights when you have the time and the energy to do it. Same thing goes for the nutrition aspect. You don’t need to evenly space out your meals exactly 3 hours in between each other and eat 5 meals per day
If your schedule allows you to eat only 3 times. Do that. If you like smaller meals and want to eat 8 times a day, that’s cool. Just know your daily calories and macro intake and split that however you want into your meals, they don’t even have to be even. Just make sure you hit those numbers by the end of the day. That’s all that matters. That goes for fat loss or muscle gain
The only thing I would recommend is not having food immediately before bed and before lifting. Allow at least an hour to an hour and a half for digestion before either one
#gym #lift #exercise #health
#fit #workout #fitness #fitnesslifestyle #toronto #abs #muscle #foamrolling #weightlifting #lifting #weights #lifestyle #foamroll #losingweight #weightlossjouney
#musclegain #nutrition #squat #beast
#fatloss #weightloss #bulk #cardio
#healthyfood #personaltrainer #losingfat 

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#bodyclub #running #sport #gym #tambov #fattofit Время для еды  в Азии и России.
Follow @evolvetrainingsystem for original daily content
One of the major things I try and Instil in my clients right from the start is fitting all the different component of fitness into your current lifestyle, as opposed to letting yourself change your lifestyle based on what other people say is best, that won’t be sustainable. You know what’s best. Work, family and friends will always be there
Do you have to workout in the morning? No. Go workout and smash the weights when you have the time and the energy to do it. Same thing goes for the nutrition aspect. You don’t need to evenly space out your meals exactly 3 hours in between each other and eat 5 meals per day
If your schedule allows you to eat only 3 times. Do that. If you like smaller meals and want to eat 8 times a day, that’s cool. Just know your daily calories and macro intake and split that however you want into your meals, they don’t even have to be even. Just make sure you hit those numbers by the end of the day. That’s all that matters. That goes for fat loss or muscle gain
The only thing I would recommend is not having food immediately before bed and before lifting. Allow at least an hour to an hour and a half for digestion before either one
#gym #lift #exercise #health
#fit  #workout #fitness #fitnesslifestyle  #toronto #abs #muscle #foamrolling #weightlifting #lifting #weights #lifestyle #foamroll #losingweight #weightlossjouney
#musclegain #nutrition #squat #beast
#fatloss #weightloss #bulk #cardio
#healthyfood #personaltrainer #losingfat Samsung Galaxy Note 8
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