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25 Jan 2018 15:25

Testing the new #Nike #EpicReact ❤️👌 

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I'm back! Een maandje eruit geweest door een bijna fractuur en gisteren weer voor het eerst een 5km gelopen. Nu drie maanden om op niveau te komen voor mijn tweede baanseizoen met #teamthuijs #NLNA #liefdevoordesport #performanceguys - “Discipline is not a one-time event,” Kipchoge explains. “Self discipline is like building your muscle. It’s like going to the gym. You cannot go to the gym today and build your muscle. You should get a program and go slowly by slowly—that’s the way to build your muscle. And that’s the way you can cultivate your self discipline. Remember, only the disciplined ones are free in life. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods. You are a slave to your passions. That’s a fact.” Testing the new #Nike #EpicReact ❤️👌 Happy b'day Phil! "The art of competing, I'd learned from the track, was the art of forgetting, and I now reminded myself of that fact. You must forget your limits. You must forget your doubts, your pain, your past." - Phil Knight
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