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#Durarara ep8: Do nightmares have nightmares? And do you forget what's no longer there? #anime
28 Feb 2010 05:24

#Durarara ep8: Do nightmares have nightmares? And do you forget what's no longer there? #anime 

My heart goes out to Celty, how could it not? Despite all the reassurances, she still fears forgetting what she looks like. It doesn't get more humanizing than that.

I guess this leads me to Shinra. I've always been weary of the guy. It's like seeing a bunny rabbit around a bunch of wolves. The wolves are wolves, nothing too scary about them as long as you know what to avoid. What you see is what you get. But you have to wonder what it is that keeps that bunny alive amongst those wolves. In this case, it's his skills and the information that he holds. But I don't think the surface has really been scratched with him.

Regardless of my suspicions, he really shows himself to be a great guy in this episode. I love how he's able to read her without any "normal" clues. And I loved seeing Celty fawn over her chance to stay home and cook. Even the twists thrown into these situations by the fact that she's an apparition, don't detract from the mood.

Some other threads are thrown in to keep things moving along. That pharmaceutical company gets a visitor or two. And everyone seems to be losing things, which was relevant and entertaining. But I've been checking to make sure my wallet was still around ever since I finished watching.

Conclusion: I continue to love this show for so many reasons. By the way, if you haven't finished this episode yet, what are you doing here? There's a HUGE spoiler in my collage. Finish the damn episode & come back.

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#Durarara ep7: Shizuo really does have an awesome brother.  Great episode. #anime #Durarara ep8: Do nightmares have nightmares? And do you forget what's no longer there? #anime #Ookamikakushi ep8: I don't know who to trust at this point. #anime
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