I have made pizza with a cauliflower crust @Crips_fish
@Splinteredones did you know we have 3 now? <3
I just stood outside for 10 mins. Regretting that now
Snuuuurrrrr! @MalcolmFWinter
@unitybelle I’ve tried it by accident. We have that with carrier bags too
Pip and the tree @katesang
@MonsterYarn she got spayed yesterday. She’s currently asleep on her brother. Poor baby
@unitybelle she is doing ok
Baby cat has just got back from the vets
It is chilly today in Scotland
@unitybelle I'm tweeting a lot less in general! She is adorable though.
Two glam ladies @buttonista
@MonsterYarn @unitybelle @MalcolmFWinter I am squeeing too! The cats don't look remotely impressed
We are the proud owners of a cock, courtesy of @buttonista
Celebrating the night before our wedding with beautiful glasses from someone whose name I don't remember @unitybelle
@veedubhev I just have apps and pics saved to my 32gb and look
We had chips and then this happened @unitybelle
@buttonista EV is remaining aloof. The others have squished up on me and are having a cleaning session.
@unitybelle @buttonista you know me. I don't own any fancy jewellery
@buttonista @unitybelle my comforters
Watching TV together @MalcolmFWinter
@pafster @MalcolmFWinter yup, Lily. Or occasionally Lils, like an OAP demanding a small triple gin. Here she is
@unitybelle have some Lily love

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Egg, egg, egg, egg, egg. (egg) Also: mad cat lady.


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