@benthompson Not on mine. :-(
Monty graduated from training today. Big thanks to Beltway Dog Training: http://8of12.com/1TGCh6l
Amazing weather on the balcony with @jologz. I’m always amazed by our view.
@SukiFuller Here he is with his buddy Jackson.
Here is @stratechery with the truth on incentives at startups versus big companies.
I had to recall my Defense of the Dark Arts training to get my Apple TV working.
.@pmarca Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
.@jologz and me celebrating pride on this historic weekend.
Me IRL yesterday when I was having issues with my iCloud ID.
Me IRL when news sources bury the lede.
1st time by the White House in a while. I’m disappointed that people are now kept across the street.
Nerd alert! I got my Apple Watch.
How to piss off a prospective customer.
A summary of the strategic debates that took place inside of Kodak over the decades. #scip
The consumer value of imaging exploded, but opportunities for monetization were few. #scip
Film and camera trends circa 2000. #scip
The consumer imaging value chain in the film and digital world. #scip
The Kodak CI network: technical intelligence, R&D and corporate CI. #scip
Punt headlines about Kodak’s bankruptcy. @TimKindler tells the real story at #scip
This is my #scip mug. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
The FutureCasting framework. #scip
What is @IntelFuturist ‘s model for FutureCasting? Not predicting the future. #scip
Brian David Johnson @intelfuturist keynoting #scip
Me, my boyfriend @jologz and EY colleague Colleen Meeker out for dinner in Atlanta. #scip

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August Jackson

Washington, DC

Competitive intelligence and strategy professional at EY. Opinions are my own.

web t.co/lqkwlhZKKh


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