Snow Bunnies. Yes, i filled my friends back yard BMX park with snow and snowboarded all day. Naked. =)
My bookshelf, try to find all the hidden things =). I LOVE October/Halloween so please help make me Danni girl by voting for me. xoxo
Just because you guys are doing a great job voting for me to be the Danni Oct girl <3 xo. Keep it up!!!
If i become DG you will get to see WAY more of this... <3
Shamefully killing your heart with cuteness. "I voted for my mommy, shes my favorite because she feeds me, cuddles, and dresses me up in costumes"
If you dont vote for me to be DG of the month, He will kill me. Please help!
Bribe picture #1. This is my friend, he is a bat. He was a birthday present last year and is very happy with his new home.
Racing at the track with hot naked chicks. I'm stoked!! =)
Listening to records and looking at artwork with @tuesdaycrossxxx
Fuck! New songs to learn on bass & not much time to learn them. Looks somewhat like alien messages sent to me haha
It's been way to long since I could enjoy a lazy morning in bed with my puppy
God help you all... @tuesdaycrossxxx and I finnally are hanging out tonight. We will burn the world down together

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Aiden Ashley

Los Angeles

People take different roads in life to happiness and fulfillment. Just because there not on your road doesn't mean there lost



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