I never say "sick burn", but @SarahHuckabee that was a sick burn.
Don't forget "Porch."
Now, the #Steelers didn't show up in overtime, but come on refs, how do you miss that in a short field?
This is why @DLoesch is a keeper. Where else can you get solid shoe advice & hear about "The Screwtape Letters? " #DailyDana
HOLY COW!  Puppy gets loose on the street.  This will put your heart in your throat.
This was one of the funniest things I ever saw on @RedEyeFNC  #RedEye @BillSchulz
@Darth_Mommie The dog makes Pam cry as well.
@Darth_Mommie Video capture software not updated yet, so here's the best example I promised 2 weeks ago.
#Oscars Here's the mixup with La LA Land & Moonlight
Story of my life
CBS is replaying every angle of that Edelman catch except where Edelman throws the block. #Steelers
@MushKat @mdrache
I always thought this chick waving to her family when Trump won South Carolina was funny.
There's treachery afoot!  

Watch her smug look as she's carried off after her diabolical plan!
Why did @ira lock his account?  @DLoesch knows.  #DailyDana
So this was mentioned in "Die Hard 3."
No one else saw the facemask on @AntonioBrown by Williams?  #Steelers
.@DLoesch is repping awesome @keltecweapons, but she's stealing my copy! :) #DailyDana https://twitter.com/AngryDingo/statuses/723644694127849472

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