Howard Stern in Taxi Driver
Need I say more?
@Ryan_Lever @erictheactor11 @birdjinx @tunnyas kiss the midgets ass fag boy.
"@EricTheActor11: @jamesmeatsuit I don't like putting drops in my eyes so no way would contacts work." he's a turkey.
@LuvLee_xoxo @kingbrandon666 @dreamgurl64 @bilestew
"@EricTheActor11: @proveditdummy Spelling and grammar mistakes do mean the person is an idiot." yes it does turkey!
"@robdunneny: @EricTheActor11 ok, how about a retweet OR an autographed photo??" how about a wing or drumstick?
“@Grumpfuk: I miss Hank the Actor...this fill in midget @ErictheActor11 can't hold his liquor” or his pepsi :(
"@EricTheActor11: @raydelasole tweet. So no more retweets. So stop asking." turkeys don't tweet they gobble and beg.
Even cats are assholes in Vegas :(
"@EricTheActor11: @loonina @buffalofaceface I am a midget so I am Eric "The Midget". You are both blocked now." true!
Ok I figured it out.
@PRIDEofLOWELL @erictheactor11 @jeffscott79 how about you bring the steak I'll bring the lobster.
New bottle :)
@TranquilKitten this was the last.
@ResultsNotCults @btlsradio fuck him!
I reached my limit :( 

@KenTruffen how much is this in Canada?
"@EricTheActor11: @myman0212 @jdharm No jackass that was a kid that played that part." what an angry gay turkey!
@MustardandRye @erictheactor11 a stuffed turkey!

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#TeamAssholo #Orion #BBN #jackass #SternShow #TeamAsshat I have a GED. Moderately racist. Highly offensive. I got kicked out of rehab. Been in a mental ward.


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