About to watch Lil' Waynes "The Carter" Doc NOW! Ready to get #ILL! Thx  @libertyhall video!!! #ShoutWeezy!
I just wrapped 4 hrs of some serious pen work... #whoa #braindrain #sicc #shoutdeath #fartpeace
See Golden Tri-Angle 2night w/ME! 6:30 @lovegardensound! Their tour manager Eli chilled n Austin! Homies 4 Life!
Zen Zer0 Drunken Noodles Again! #ThaiHOT
You don't look half as cool when ur homie runs outta gasssssssss....lollllll
Shit is getting wild at  @OkayMountain....omg LEE!!!! In the middle w/A-Head Flag!!!!! Whaaaaaa?
@srndur #LuckyStuff is Onnnn! #kubball
Damn! I Met the sickest dude ever today @OkayMountain! Eli is the tour helper w/Cinders Gallery!
Dream Catcherzzzzzz! #sxsw
Omg! Rotfl! WTF?! Inside the bathroom at @OkayMountain! Wow...
Getting our merch together!
Finally! Just pulled up to the  @OkayMountain space!!!!! #sxsw
Were in Waco TX now....traffic is screwed to all hell...#sxsw  @AsteroidHeadArt @OkayMountain
I think I'm callin it a night. 1/2 mixed media pieces in the bag... Opening tomorrow at Speak salon & gallery! #KC
Burnin the midnight oil with the ol rub'n'etch! Gettin pretty mixed media on this ish
And my phone died as soon as I got to the tap....I gotta bust out a few pieces for my opening tomz in KC #firstfri
You know you want this pizza!  #Asteroid #Head  @AsteroidHeadArt loves you & you & you!!! RT!
Only 5 "Welcome to Asteroid Head Land...Dude" left  @LawrenceArtsCtr! Show comes down March 14th  @Biklops #RT
Jammin the Whitefield Bros. Re-release I snagged from  @lovegardensound yesterday! #classicpsych
Jammin the Whitefield Bros. Re-release I snagged from  @lovegardensound yesterday! #classicpsych
Dear  #sherroncollins I'm sorry I wore purple today! It was an accident! I swear! Headphones Too?! #NOOOO #KUBBALL
There's a guy here at BW3 head to toes American flag gear...rotfl
Seems like erryone is at #Esquina tonight! At least #AsteroidHead izzzz
Gotta admit I love seeing my prints framed & placed in a nice local in friends homes! #BARR

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