Last job for #FishyFriday . Dropping a bongo of crab off to be processed early tomorrow morning.
@FishwivesChoirs as many as you like. ;-)
Just like #eviltesco but with a smile.
Another £1000 of lobster feed.
Oh the smell of rubber! In Toney's getting my pipes made up. #manlystuff
Big day today for me. Getting my new hauler piped in with the magic hydraulics. There she is :-)
Wife: You've just got & you've taken it to bits. Why?
Me: Like Sir Edmund Hillary said "it was there".
@islandpc got to admit the memory is nearly full.
Nearly there. Time to catch some mackerel.
@KlarkPhelan I'll ask Jo to ask Mike if he's up for one. I'll explain. Got home and my wife ran off.
@KlarkPhelan I've had an idea. Buy a field in England. Buy a field on the island. Bingo
I missed my boats birthday this year so I've bought her a belated present. Need a folklift to get it into the van.
@fannieann hi lobster from about a tenner dressed crab £5.50 or a whole crab do it yourself from about £3
My supper last night. Devilled mackerel with IOW tomato & mint salad. 15 minutes 2 make & costing less than a big mac
The trouble with the brown weather beaten look is that it plays havoc with the skin. I recommend this after a shower.
Waters just back to the boil then it's show time my little friends.
Waters just back to the boil then it's show time my little friends.
The text you don't want.
Just had our homemade mackerel pâté. It's so lovely I eat it all so no picture. Here's my tea and a cake instead
On way back in. The freshest mackerel you will find on sale at 9am when the shop opens.
@RydeAcademy looks nice over Ryde now.
#myview lovely dawn
#myview A misty one this morning. Finding a few fish and it's flat calm so all is good.
Morning All. Loving the customer care from @Southern_Trains this morning. My commute to work 2 minutes to the harbour

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