Heading out in my Karen Millen knitted dress from A/W14 collection. Glad I'm tall or this would have been too long!
My favourite bag of my collection for putting too much stuff in... #ArmBreaker #LV
Mini desk manicure
Dug one of my fave old tees out of my wardrobe for dress down day. #Ain'tNoWifey
First play with the lipliner... No difference but I didn't over line my lips! I just can't. #selfie #bbloggers
MAC's 'Soar' lipliner than Kylie Jenner supposedly uses arrived today! #Bloggers
The Dior Golden Leaf top coat
My @ThisIsWhistles faux leopard coat is so snugly! I so need to get my roots sorted
Spot of retail therapy earlier on the way home.
Not usually into pink dresses but this Hervé Léger one paired with a leather jacket... Swoon
Review of my @WildMedicines facial steamers and neroli oil over on the blog: http://vintage-and-vampires.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/review-wild-medicines-facial-steamers.html
Just tried this Karen Millen dress on and convincing myself Xmas shopping can wait until next month... Right?
Adriana Lima giving me serious dark hair envy
Does anyone actually ever buy these?!
One of the many old pretty bridges in Bruges
Cute hare roaming Bruges this afternoon
Finally! A genuine French macaron... And a jumbo one at that! Perfect breakfast ♡ #framboise
Just enjoying a honey cappuccino before going to join everyone at the Menin Gates for the WW1 memorial.
Tyne Cot cemetery unknown graves this afternoon #WW1 #100years
A sea of poppies with hand written messages on them for Remembrance #Ypres
Drinks after the ceremony in the Ypres town hall just now
Stained-glass windows always leave me in awe
City lights in Lille

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