1st txt in months... do u know about any of this lol? But umm court side playoff tickets... @kristincrane1
Fueling the day!! The nutrition center taught me well lol.
One of the pit stops! Warning it may cause cravings lol.
Interesting design! I really wanted to see the inside but the building was roped off & night lol.
Asking if jmackler sent u this pic of his new apt!! He should hire us to professionally decorate @kristincrane1
Can't wait to run like rocky again lol
Another candid of Mr.Smith!
M. Night's (directing the movie) new 85 million dollar studios.
On set... Mr. Will Smith!!! The movie is going to be crazy!
Exhausted but learned so much today. Free cupcake helps lol.
Look at the MVP on the cover of #GQ!! Love this magazines editorials, always amazing.
Bday collage. Look at the stud to the left!!! I think the right middle is ur fave... Justin liked it. @kristincrane1
So I decide to try out the glitter & jewels...
Happy #nationalkissday ! Besos lol
Let's gooo Bulls!!
Just some light scratch work, checking numbers, having fun
This is why Siri & I will never get along...
While in traffic saw these- City in the front, beach as a backyard, awesome location @OliveJuiceKels
Creative & very true! This was on the ground spelled out with pennies.
Imagine if pub safety was this big... all the rides we needed on fri/sat night for studyinggg lol@kristincrane1
Could get expensive if I didn't I have unlimited txts every month....
City on one side, water on the other... Beautiful. #Chicago
Okay IN!! Half grocery store half club, all one unit, live band... in the middle of nowhere. #pitstop

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