Boys, I'm might be single but I'm not desperate. If you can't spell, you can't get pussy. EVEN if ur from Portland
WTF, Mom?! That's it, I'm putting you in a home.
WTF, Japan?
WTF Japan? Who has hair on their shoulder like that? No one, other than Chuck Norris, no one.
Fuck heroin. I'm shooting up 100%STD motherfuckers, with a dash of dust mites cus why not? I'm hardcore like that.
I'm eating lunch when this one came along. Hmm, what could he possibly want?
Yeah, ok. Thanks for the tip.
In lieu of today's celebrations:
Dear Japan: what the fuck?
awww cute
Where was I when this happened? Why was I not invited?
Hey guys, I was trying to get nude shots for you, but...
Dear Japan: WTF now?
Oh hey, Gary Busey, did your mom used to dress you like a girl when you were little?
Gary Busey? Did your mom used to dress you like a girl when you were little?
WTF Sean Penn? Can't wait to see this mess.
aaah, my doppelgänger! and we meet again.
Well, guess I'm not leaving the house today.
If my eyebrows don't grow back, maybe I'll get this tattoo, it'll save me the trouble of having to flip people off
Oh shit, I've over plucked my eyebrows again. I'll just draw them on. Can you guys tell?
and speaking of which...

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Drrty MissIvy


hell on high heels


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