@musictravelpoly Try this screen shot of article. Missed some of it - but you get gist. @recneps51 @JaneCaro
No, it's not daylight outside. It's night time in #Sydney with the sky completely lit up by storm.
Get out your wrinkled clothes, your iron and ironing board & celebrate irony. #IWDliketheLNP
Fish Sunday! Salmon in teriyaki, sweet potato mash, bussels sprouts & peas. Ping....  @kathhomeless
Is it true that those being considered for Liberal leadership have all been issued with a blue ribbon? #LibSpill2
I guess the headline says it all. So, why aren't we spending money on #housing people? (image SMH) #auspol
2/2 ...and here's a snapshot of the same Dept of Immigration website after October 2013. #auspol
1/2 Have you ever looked at the Dept of Immigration's website prior to October 2013? Here's a snapshot. #auspol
And here are some flowers for you @kathhomeless - all the very best for your recovery.
#ImStickingWithTony because I have Telstra shares.
Hey @forthleft - did you see this pic from SMH? I guess you were as surprised as me to see TA visiting a factory.
With skin the colour of Antartica & a personality to match, she was however, played by Cate Blanchett. #myozobituary
Research finds 8% of people accidentally press wrong button when completing online polls. #knightsanddames
@54bear Here's my favourite Elizabeth Warren quote
Below is another charming & unsolicited example of an abusive tweeter. Block & report this user. #stopbullying
And for my 20,002nd tweet - very cute dog pic (apologies that I don't know person to attribute this to).
@rook_john I do :) Here's one:
I think google autocomplete prefers #Twitter.
Is everyone aware of the reduction of #Medicare rebate to GPs? It's a great big gap payment by stealth. #auspol
Making her wear a Santa hat for my amusement. #ThingsIMissSinceMyDogDied
My left leg being used as a head rest. #ThingsIMissSinceMyDogDied
She's 18 ok. She's allowed to clean out the last of my Ben & Jerry's. #dogs #icecream
"Make it so" - Captain Picard welcomes new recruits onto the Enterprise. #startrek

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Felicity Reynolds

Sydney, Australia

CEO of the Mercy Foundation & social justice advocate. Working to end homelessness through evidence, affordable housing & support. Love dogs & prime numbers.

web www.mercyfoundation.com.au


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