Haha.. now I have finished Nii.. Haha funny. Tomorrow I will color ShuU and Satoshi.. and then the bg.
Yesterday I saw Crazy Crazy Crazy at Shibuya AX again.. and I still love it.
And this is the current progress of my giru-fanart .. xD I only have finished Ryo at the background.. the Next day comes the other. ^^
That's the picture from yesterday.. I have made the outline..and it was really late -.-
Hehe my new project.. Do you know what this is? oO Haha it's a band.. but which? I hope I can finish it this week ^^
Looking Angel Beats .. now at episode 5.. haha so funny.. I love it.
I love it soo much ..my abs collection..
YEAHH!! I have it thanks @MikotoTate it's so awesome *__*
【Haribo macht Kinder froh... und Erwachsene ebenso】 xDDD
I want this Kitty shirt (black) this is soo cute. *__* Or in pink? I don't know.. xD
Yummy (*__*) Landliebe Schoko Milch... xD
And this is the weather today -- it has rain and rain and rain.. and it's still hot. XD But i love this weather and I must today not working.. so it's perfect XD~
Yesterdays weather
My new wall... XD

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