Mister @jeffpulver took a nice picture of me during the @DLDConference .. Like it
My new bizzcards are in... All my pieces on it... People can pick there fav piece
My view this morning
You ask for a diet coke and this is what you get here?
Love these lamps @HardRockMunich .. Inspiering to a artist as myself
Me and @Dutchcowboy doing interview first up was the cowboy... Tulipman Goes Stiktu
Here some more stiktu art created TulipMan goes Stiktu
Here some more stiktu art created TulipMan goes Stiktu
Here some more stiktu art created TulipMan goes Stiktu
People ask me is it cold in munich? Well see your self
We had a hard day with the "TulipMan goes Stiktu" but with out great wifi some cool pieces where created
Check Rebecca Ferguson here ... Even in these 20 seconds she rocks... Need to download her... #dld12
Tonight no german snietsel stuff looking for a giant ceasar slade .. Found it @ the hard rock cafe
The new Amy is here... Rebecca ferguson.. Just remember I told you first
TulipMan is doing good.. People are bussy but stuff is stiktu'd to the art #stiktu
How german can you get.. Check this movie poster.. Amazing
Checking out some speakers here @ dld
Love this statue that is close to the dld place ..
In just love the font of our hotel... So bad that's it is good again...
Goodmorning world from munich
Love this image I took today... It's like you see the web poping out of thos mac screen...
If you are @ #dld12 tomorrow download the @stiktu app and come and see me .. Here are the instructions
The @Dutchcowboy takes his first drink.... To a good colabaration
Boemmmm german snietsel...

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