Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition delivered a day late. Packaging is some kind of epic!
Fallout 4 Pip-Boy app is out now on iOS. Doesn't do much without connection to the game. Pretty though.
Holy cannoli, @RockBand 4 now has Green Day exports (at least on X1). 40+ songs to download!
Someone at @vudufans writes very fun update notes for iOS. If only they put that much effort into the Xbox One app!
Got the @RockBand wireless adapter for Xbox One. Let's rock!
Here's a shot showing Purchased and In Library on the same screen. Many installed songs show $1.99.
Rock Band 4 on Xbox One. In-game DLC store's spotty. Many I've installed list prices but a few can be downloaded.
Look for where it says Bundles to find related songs in a pack or album. Not all are showing in the long list of add-ons.
If you own @RockBand DLC on Xbox 360 you can manually download at least some of them on Xbox One - one at a time.
More details: Prob $20, supports 4 wireless instruments. Madcatz product. FAQ/compat list: http://madcatz.com/rock-band-4-faqs/
Rock Band 4 wireless adapters for 360 instruments are a thing. Remember, you heard it from us first in our PAX report
Wow, zero calorie Red Bull tastes just as bad as the real thing! (Sugar-free Bawls is still best if you can find it.)
If you can get tickets, see the @ArtsWestSeattle production of American Idiot. It's a very intense intimate show.
And Castle Crashers on Xbox One is free for CC 360 owners (but only for short time). Should be redeemable on Xbox.com
Still loading Destiny. Anyone get in yet?
Destiny 2.0 update is 18GB on next-gen. Plan accordingly!
#FindTheAstronautGetTheCode Corps(e) of Discovery. 6th floor at PAX.
Last day of #PAX15. Reports incoming.
Anyone want some Fallout Shelter lunchboxes? Single use code, only one code will work per game. (More to come.)
#PAX 15 Day 3: Today's queue room is an outdoor tunnel. Fun with lines!
I think we'll be picking up at least one of these controllers. #PAX15
Found #ILoveBees co-creator @elanlee at #PAX15. There may be cool things afoot!
Picked up the Portal Board Game at #PAX15. There will be cake. *Actual cake not included.
Rock Band 4 guitar solo chart. #PAX15

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Dave Kramer

Redmond, WA 98052

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