Hyvers die naar Twitter willen gaan we eerst #feuten http://bit.ly/c5MgKC #deletejehyves /via @deletejeHyves ♉xy
"Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call FINE PRINT!" /via @KINSEYs
Nice one ♉xy
Shoppen (@ Media Markt Leeuwarden) http://4sq.com/8vDqOl /via @patrickovic altijd leuk hè shoppen bij @mediamarkt_nl
Wait, today is a holiday called “Hallowmas?” Learn what it means: http://bit.ly/bgSE02 /via @dictionarycom ♉xy
Prinses Margriet opent 19 november de Margriet Winter Fair. Tijdens het eventement staat het Rode Kruis Centraal http://j.mp/cX1qCB /via @RodeKruis
It is "raining leaves" everywhere, hallelujah or not, it's funny to see and like walking through it ♉xy
Ik volg nu 3 @DeSinterklaas denk dat ik ze ga opgeven voor #Wievandedrie @omroepMax,@Jan_Slagter, ff checken ♉xy
Ook Facebook has his ways
✏Londense school introduceert lessen via Facebook: http://vl.am/pdj #nuiphone ♉xy
10 Fun Doodling Apps to Unleash Your Creativity: http://on.mash.to/dtJund  ♉xy
Got wrinkle? http://www.theskinsociety.com/Wrinkle/Anti%20wrinkle.html /via @SoothingSkin ♉xy
Twitter groeit naar 1 miljard gebruikers. Eerder dan Facebook? http://ht.ly/32dvi /via @twitinfonl inhaalslag ♉xy
RT @Briantracyasia: Success is getting wht U wnt. Happiness is wanting wht U get - Dale Carnegie #quote /via @grattongirl ♉xy
Optimist sees the donut, Pessimist the hole & Realist the calories. | RT @punitastrologer @paul_steele @NU_FiT @pramitjnathan /via @AnnTran_
This is going to be a long day. If one more person says, "Nice costume." ... Grrr. /via @packratius  ♉xy
Most turkeys & giraffes R bisexual. - @OMGFactsSex #funnyfacts /via @FunnyFactz   ♉xy
Nieuw recept: Bread&Butterpudding http://j.mp/dqtooy /via @smulwebrecepten yummy, ♉xy
5 Most Quatable Movie Lines Of The Last Decade http://tiny.ly/gkaj /via @Article_Income ♉xy
thr was sum misunderstanding ystrday but ✏http://j.mp/aX9DUR #HarryMulisch one of Hollands finest writers past away
Dit is misschien wel de jongste fan die alles op de voet volgt, en ze is vandaag 7 jaar geworden. #Mila Hoera! ♉xy
And there is my big friend again it's the second time I almost bumped into him ♉xy
@Junior_Senior ?????? Follow Back ???  Sure would be nice  ♉xy
It's official I'm a believer
I both follow @GoedeSint & @santa_claus, let's C if perhaps Tinkerbell will follow me
Now on Dutch TV : NEMO !!!!
 ♉xy
next week it's Childrens Bookweek, all about reading & storytelling http://j.mp/ce5FEs  very important 4 kids ♉xy

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yvonne gessel

den haag, holland

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