@PBrooky42 @gctennis72 do u want a sneaky peek at nxt seasons kits. Home one........
@yvieburnett happening all the time at the moment they say it's the brains way of taking a break from the pain. I wish I could. Feel like copying the man in the picture!
@twinsdad72 pls follow me, I was born in 72 and have got twin boys age 3, Rowan & Finley. Also Ewan age 12
@golddustalex I'm pushing 4 amputation & have it all worked out in my head how I'll do it if the docs say no...
@KatiePiper_ hi Katie, did u read my tweet about my condition CRPS. It's so bad at the moment that I've considered trying to cut off my own arm for some relief. Not enough people know about this terri
@Jack_Marshall_ hope he wasn't too upset about the result today. We have a coach to all the games and the year we reached the FA cup final (beating man u in the semis) we had an 11 yr old lad in our s
@MartinBown good luck in the marathon. I have a niece & a nephew who are both disabled & have both been given an electric wheelchair by whizzkids this is Noah using his to play wheelchair football wit
Had another two strokes this week. Did u see this story (picture) this nxt link should take u to the original article Greenville-man-speaks-about-rare-nerve-disease http://t.co/fWiKpRP
@Chingfordscally I broke my arm but plaster cast was too tight & destroyed the nerves. Sometimes with a trauma to a limb, the brain loses the ability to turn off the pain signals, even when they shoul
@MrFiiks had a scs for past 6 yrs but contracted MRSA during op. Spent 10mnths in single room not allowed out whilst they got rid of it. Put over 4stones in weight on and scs has never worked 100% cos
@NormanWhiteside thank for the words of support. It really makes the difference between fighting on or giving up. I could very easily be the man in this picture. I got so close to doing it that I had
@fatbrenda this is what I really wanted to do.
@fatbrenda hiya, sry abt being morbid last week. A bit miserable at the moment. ive the same condition as ths man
@MrFiiks did u c this article. I would do that in a flash if I knew it would work.
@DrChrisSteele I dont know wether trying 2 amputate my arm myself will force docs 2 listen 2 me. I cnt carry on lk ths. Please help me. I'm exactly the same as the man in the article.
@hotpatooties I've been out for the first time today since I had another slight stroke last week. Went to see my niece Jess, she was transferred from the hospital to a children's hospice yesterday but
@Jack_Marshall_ visited my niece Jess today she got transferred from Alder Hay hospital to Derian house children's hospice yesterday. She's doing really well considering she had a 7 hour life saving o
We went to see Jess 2day cos she's moved to Derian House children's hospice. As u can see she's doing great!
@Sunnywitch16 you are making me cry. I'm having a bad time at the moment, I got very close to trying to cut my arm off myself a couple of months ago. I saw this story in the papers and I understood ex
True Story. Anyone ever read the story about 'Mike the headless chicken' amazing http://j.mp/gz5qKu
. @rioferdy5 talk your way out of this one Rio. Maybe a new form of head tennis?
Tell us something we didn't know Pat!
@Jack_Marshall_ I'm saying a prayer 4 jack & U 2day. My niece who had the massive op last week is out of ICU & doing vry well.
@Flying_hei here's no.2

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Ian munro


Husband to Kirsty and dad to Ewan, Rowan and Finley and also married to everton FC. I am a CRPS sufferer


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