VERY large crowd. Q&A time #PoliticoTTT
Talking about the Sunday show workload & if the administration tries 2 influence which guests go on
Talking about the News of the World phone hacking scandal. #PoliticoTTT
John Harris and the panel #Politicottt
It's 4th of July, so the Chevy rental car fits.  Happy 4th!!
Senate republican presser, Sen. Orin Hatch. @stcrow
@tbd is everywhere I go!  I can't escape.
Clarendon Cup: Women's Pro finish
Clarendon Cup: Men's Pro race
Photographer time out.
Harry Hamburg giving people grief for moving microphones.
Leon Pannetta confirmation hearing for SecDef
I love that the Senate Armed Services comm uses Comic Sans for water jugs
I made a couple Weiner-related frames yesterday.  I like this 1 of TV guys listening to the presser outside his office
Richard Gere waiting to testify before the House Foreign Relations committee.
Weinerfest 2011, day 6
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) talks to reporters.
Members of the media Waiting for Rep. Wiener (D-NY) outside his office
Ok, don't drink the toilet water. Got it. Thanks, Congress.
Eerily quiet on Capitol Hill, part two
Eerily quiet on Capitol Hill, part one
Waiting for the bus, reading the paper, shirtless. Awesome.
I think it's gonna rain
Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) - App companies "have to be regulated"

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