@lenedgerly ironically, with those colour photos, I'll end up reading it on the iPad and not any Kindle.
Decent pointing device for desktop: acquired.
I put my old custom screensavers back on my Kindle... Much better.
Advanced templating #fail #depers
Yeah. Bed has been painted  and assembled. AirBook has arrived. And: Go LaCie.
Yeah. Bed has been painted  and assembled. AirBook has arrived. And: Go LaCie.
Yeah. Bed has been painted  and assembled. AirBook has arrived. And: Go LaCie.
Acer experience center: out of business. Metaphor?
@i0n1c you seen the Vrij Nederland article yet with your face in it?
Such #optimism !
Zow, vandaag mezelf een cadeautje gegeven voor m'n verjaardag.
Beperkt lerend vermogen van de reiziger? Arrogante klootzak... #ovchip #tls #meijdam
Gerestaureerde Chevrolet "Stylemaster" naast het café... Quirky.
Pausing while someone's head is turning isn't kind to the actor...
After #thegoodthebadandtheugly I'm moving on to the opposite end of Clint's work: Gran Torino, also imdb #top250 movie.
@JasperJanssen en daarbij moest een foto droplul
Vertel dat de trein van 2115 die ik had willen nemen...
@JasperJanssen en nu topperspubliek met foto:
Argh. Windows isn't responding. Great. Fucked again.
So, out of the 9 movies I saw in the last two months, I guess the one I enjoyed most was Thor. #sucker for #comic-movies
It's an odd world in which the ad posters on the station advertise trading platforms for Complex Financial Derivatives.
#mindless #Hollywood to finish up.
I've been looking forward to this ever since I saw the reviews -- so much I bought & read the book first. #neverletmego
Just watched Unknown, which appears to have closely based its premise on an obscure book called 'the Bourne Identity'.

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