I'm almost finish with my Halloween costume!
Ate the candy XD so bored I'm taking pictures.
Yay! Someone gave me candy in college! And my favorite Dove.
A pic of me with her. Her name is Queila with blue dress.
This is the friend that I'm talking about.
I try to write something in Kanji in my skin. I know is bad written.
Me playing with friend camera! (^O^☆♪
Trying to make my Own Halloween costume.
Sorry here is the full number. Yay time to prank call! XD
Actually I don't care if his number appears in the picture, i dont know him so, feel free to torture!
Texting the mysterious person. No worries is a modeling picture is already in google search. XD
Now my cat is kissing/licking Takanori Resonance album (⌒-⌒; )
My cat loves @TMR15 I can't touch the CD now because then she will attack me (⌒-⌒; )
For example the new Home Made Kazoku CD is Akatsuki, I just simply do this. (⌒-⌒; )
People say I copy paste Japanese things but I don't. I'm still studying Japanese. I hate jealous people.
I changed my opinion as I said... I will use this today instead.
I was going to wear this, but it's too hot to wear long sleeves and thick clothing... ( ;  ; )
I'm going to wear this tomorrow, unless I change my opinion again... I'm always like that. (-。-;
Today me! Yes is a earring in my lip. It's sunny as you can see! (^_^)☆
Why?! Why must be in my birthday? Can't it be other day? Bad way to start things...
Today me! (^O^☆♪
With Pikachu!
Outside in the sun. XD
Lunch? Sorry don't have money at this time. I do but it's for emergency only. I will use if I'm dying of hunger XD

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