@phillybosslady they're evolving
My cat is opening the shutters.
Why is my cat opening the shutters to be NOSEY?
She hates when I tape her 😂
 RT @y3lla: Dang y’all arguing again
Wow! Now the old head rappers are arguing????
Everytime I see Yall starting to argue.
Dwights up here giggin
My baby girl is miserable :( ughhhhh
When you no longer have to kill flies because your cats do it for you.
@Chaantellie yes! I have 4. Lol they’re amazing. I raised them from just days old
My being a mommy to my kids
When my girls were babies
@LastCharmander yes! I love cats. I'm addicted to them. Here's my babies
@phillybosslady help meeeeee! My babies are going into heat for the first time
Today’s lesson: DOUBLE - sinning. By: the local dyke lol

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Do you see this coat?!?


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