"this product designed for anyone who wants this product" someone, somewhere, got actual payment for that...
"Just Dropped In" came on in the bar, and now I want to watch The Big Lebowski again...
New Ink
New Ink
Another empty shelf no longer empty (though missing a couple, waiting for Winston and Ecto 1)
One empty shelf no longer empty
 not that I'm a geek or anything, but...
Re-oganised the beer cupboard
Re-oganised the beer cupboard
Re-oganised the beer cupboard
Re-oganised the beer cupboard
 no Stingy Jack, but I picked up "a couple" of beers anyway.
Getting the important bits sorted at #DevOpsDays - laptop sticker sorted.
What time does Jessica Ennis come through?
Ah, the dreaded Olympic crush… (two DLR staff, one other passenger on this front carriage)
Ignore the iffy rat's nest of wires (yay, legacy) and marvel at the new additions to the office server room #SysAdmin
That "update to enable power nap support" went well then…
You know, I think this afternoon might turn out alright after all ;-)
Eanie-meanie-miney-mo… #DecisionsDecisions (this can only end well) #Whisky
Disaster. Lagavulin all done.
@Hak5 @Snubs not sure about good or bad, but check out the number of views ;-)
I’m going to buy a couple of laser pens. I reckon that and my torch, and I can put on a better show than the shard.
For comparison, the before…

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