Rise & shine... #sonoravisit #photo
Beautiful salmon carpaccio w caviar, creme fraiche & cucumber pearls @SonoraResort: #photo #sonoravisit
Dramatic sunset outside our window during the first #sonoravisit dinner in Desolation Sound: #photo
You'd think people have never had froyo before... #photo #pinkberry #vancouver
Couldn't have asked for a more spectacular day to go Peak 2 Peak @WhistlerBlckcmb! #photo #peak2peak
Action from the @Crankworx Red Bull Joyride. Def. coming back to #KCWX @WhistlerBlckcmb next year! #photo
The Red Bull Joyride @Crankworx is about to get underway @WhistlerBlckcmb! #photo #KCWX
Almost obliterated by this 11lb cheese wheel coming down the hill at 70+ mph @WhistlerBlackcomb! #photo
Looking down a very steep hill: The Canadian Cheese Rolling Festival is about to start! #photo #KCWX
More high-flying action from @Crankworx at @WhistlerBlackcomb: #photo #KCWX
Action from the #Crankworx Giant Slalom at #Whistler: #KCWX #photo
Whistler Village crowd awaiting the start of the @Crankworx Giant Slalom: #photo #KCWX
Walking amongst the treetops at #Whistler: #ziptrek #photo
Looking forward to the @Crankworx Giant Slalom this afternoon at the base of Whistler mountain! #photo
Less than perfect start for my mini-road trip to Whistler for @Crankworx: #vancouver #photo
I go by @Japadog every day & today I just couldn't resist it: Yakisoba dog w/ wasabi mayo #photo
The best tonkatsu in town @Kingyo_Izakaya, one of my favorite lunch spots in the city: #photo #vancouver
The @FreshAirCinema set up for the screening of Ghostbusters at Robson Square tonight: #vancouver #photo
Another painful reminder of the summer we're not having in Vancouver... Shot in Yellowknife a few weeks ago: #photo
This drink is ridiculous. You should have warned us, @rhansen! #photo
Checking out the new @GuuIzakaya Guu Kobachi on opening night! #vancouver #photo
Housemade macarons capped off a thoroughly enjoyable first meal @HawksworthRest in #Vancouver: #photo
Media setting up in front of Rideau Hall, 3 hrs before the Royals arrive: #royaltour #photo
Last items to pack before I head to Ottawa. This is a backbreaking camera kit, but it will all be worth it! #Photo:

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Maurice Li


Pop Culturalist | Art, Design, Film & Music Curator | Food Enthusiast | Photographer | Venture Capitalist | Traveler | Grocery Store Tourist

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