Had to find a good one lol
At @Starbucks with my best girl #NannyDiaries #NannyLife
Spaghetti and baby for dinner  #NannyDiaries #NannyLife #nanny
13-0 and a first round bye! Had a great time at the game today! @Panthers #GoPanthers #KeepPounding
Same song on repeat on the way to preschool. #barney #jinglebells #NannyLife #nannydiaries
Daddy watching the @NYRangers game like...
Thanksgiving pajama party!
This face makes everything better. #NannyLife #nannydiaries
Having a sleepover with these two princesses  #NannyLife #nannydiaries #saturdaynight
She's covered in oatmeal and so am I  #NannyLife #nannydiaries
Dorothy drew a picture of me. "Debbie's eyes. Debbie's nose. Debbie's mouth."
#NannyAppreciationWeek #nannylife #nannydiaries
Happy #NannyAppreciationWeek  #nannylife #nannydiaries
@annabulbrook Saw this and thought of you lol
This is what happens when you try to change a 7 month old's diaper. #nannylife
Not a fan of bananas  #nannylife #nannydiaries
#nannylife #nannydiaries
#NationalDogDay #NYRuff
#farewellluke #GeneralHospital
@ChrisKreider @ctalbot33 Have you guys seen ths yet?

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Brown Eyes

Charlotte - The Queen City

music, cooking, photography, reading, sports, vegetarian, dorothy and alice's nanny, new york rangers, the airborne toxic event


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