Well that’s Sunday sorted!
So my company’s office in Paris only has a Concorde engine in the courtyard!!
Looking forward to #RaidEdR2015 this weekend. Go go London teams, go go The Walking Raid!!
@centralline how is a 12 minute wait during peak times “good service”?
My new favourite lager. Discovered in @homesliceldn. Perfect beer with perfect pizza
The view from Sky Garden really is very lovely
Ok, apparently I was a bit over keen
I think mine and @Vinjii ‘s geocaching hobby is a bit out of hand
Great day today: long run, bough GF a new bike then a pedal whilst searching for geocaches (this is not the new bike)
Happy breakfast time with @Vinjii and her home baked bread #winningsaturday
Just had this epic home cooked chicken with asparagus and mustard cream sauce made by @Vinjii #topchef
Please share your food with us…
Wonder if the 6th floor would appreciate my choice in music…
My @Vinjii is the best. Baking me cookies when I’m sad :(
A runners shoe rack. There’s only two of us who live here!!
Bowling with @Vinjii
“You have your breakfast. Now give me mine!!”
Dog cat selfie
Going into London to be gay with @Vinjii #londonpride
Awesome gift from @livininclip and @JennFriedlander
Hahaha. Lame attempt Lloyds Bank scammers
Went to Colchester Zoo today with @Vinjii, @livininclip and @JennFriedlander. Much fun to be had :-D
When your landlord casually drops by with this!! Happy Monday.
Bike ride with @Vinjii and one of the hounds

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