I bet ur HTC don't catch raindrops like my 3GS does  #teamiPhone Stand Up!!! 
Couple pain stix rolled up! Ha!!
Fuck pills....I'm fina take sum herbal stix, wit a touch of fire to open those pain soldiers lol
#cellphonenames Assault & Battery
Bored so I went to the $5 Car Wash lol....woooOOOooo!!!
I was bored at work
My baby bottle bong lol  #currentlysmacked of of this lil sport
Playin headsUP selm'UP wit my lil 3rd-4th grade chucks lol
My students smh...they cool tho....all 18 of'em
@SimplyKlassy22 if ur ralkin about yo line sisters...I got a lil sum sum for'em...lol oooo!!! No he did'en lmao!!!
All my lil babies....jus look'at'm 
My new/slightly used roller to complete the family haha
Jus now gettin the email....maaannn I tell u smh...these fuckin #cocky Asians lmbo
Told ya F00LS!....who want the cherry??!! 
Told ya F00LS!....who want the cherry??!! 
In the line at Bops....yea, I'm on the backseat, but I bet I get sum free icecream
 4LoCo #ondeck 
Guess I'll b rockin thee cranberries today.....does it really MATTER wat shirt LOL ?!
My meal....#ondeck.....#aiight
Ima fill my camel pak UP wit alcohol today...
Fish plate #ondeck
Outside burnin doobies 
They call me MasterByHand in the smokersection  #perfection
My dad sleep from the dro hahaha!!! {-•-__-•-} <= #seriously???

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