Yeah Rogan
@NoReservations the clip of @joerogan giving you mad love.
@gspotthemaster @oli_kolbas @derekskilling84 @joelocc425 @zombiehamster Don't miss good ones, my podcast playlist.
@joerogan This is all ya need to know why Maron hates on Rogan. #feminine
@JoeLocc425 @madflavor
@madflavor What do ya think CoCo, is that a pretty screensaver or what..
@JLWChambers it's all good. He's a #Deathsquad fan as well, super enlightened & intelligent. I got really lucky.
Guess lil' Nate believes in fairies. RT @NateScam @MunkiTod dick
@JLWChambers that's not me brother, some drunk at the bar. I'm a God Lookin Phil Baroni. #DeathsquAd
Not being conceited when I say I'm the best looking guy in my town, I just live in a fucked up town full of tools.
Bryan Callen IS Proglide! RT @samtripoli @bryancallen I love you brotha!  Always happy to see you on tv!!!
Thanks brotha. You're bio picked me up the other day. I had thyroid & neck cancer, still getting through it.
@SactownBlue @MiaKharufeh @ashlei_bee Ultimate Screen Savor. @madflavor
@SactownBlue @MiaKharufeh @ashlei_bee
My dentist knows me well.
@BasRuttenMMA Why is @billburr bullying your ear?
@BasRuttenMMA Why is @billburr bullying your ear?
This is what @samtripoli looks like on tv smelling Ben Hendersons fart ( in grey in left) @joerogan on right.
RT @MunkiTod @redban @theteeb @madflavor Here's THE man @samtripoli Ringside! #DRATHSQUAD
@SigSter905 @oli_kolbas Here is real crazy; sang professionally for 20 & then this.. None the less, identity lost.
Here ya go, for those missing the apparently most important thing going on in the world.
Most disturbing thing I saw in twitter today...
@JohnHeffron @joerogan @JohnHeffron would have looked better if you were holding some fanned out ca$h money yo.
@johnheffron I'll quit my job of 17 years & travel with you. @redban can attest I know podcast!

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