Hey @taylorswift13 I want to be material for your next song.
Hey @taylorswift13 She means nothing. Wanna hang out? #chicago #justplaying
Hey @taylorswift13 can we hang out? ❤
Hey @SouthwestAir love you and all but this ramp is hot. Almost as hot as me in my boxers. #notreally
Sorry Dynamo...  @geoffcameron is in town. #fact
Guess what day it is... anyone? #humpday
Once in a lifetime... you get lucky enough to see this.
I win! RT @SillyJilly957 Why are we having way too much fun with bingo dabbers @denisekalentzis @MyPresidentPK
In today's news you will ONLY see in Houston...
Yup! @djpenetrate is DeadShark! #fact
@BenNance oh yea... I just finished my 5th drink. #fact #legend #issues
Hey @therealjacoby12 You scary bitch.
.@GoodLifeMidtown edible cocktails... what an awesome must try. #awesome
Hey jackass, if your not going to be able to stay between the lines... DON'T BACK IN!! #ImNiceUntil
So... we went to Mars to draw a giant penis?! Awesome. You crazy NASA.
Hey jerk off... just run it already. #learn2driveBITCH
Fact RT @SillyJilly957 "I want a shot that starts with a p and ends with an o...u know patron" - @MyPresidentPK
.@Southwestair Thank you for an awesome weekend. With out you, I would have been still driving. #love
.@Southwestair Thank you for an awesome weekend. With out you, I would have been still driving. #love
Behind enemy lines! @houstondynamo #soccer
#goingtohell #Chicago
What @denisekalentzis and I fight about. #soccer @houstondynamo
Some of you will call this: vandalism! Others: Dope art! Me: How the HELL did they get up there?!!
Thanks for stoping by @jokoy Impov tonight!

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