The dogs are like kids.... Had to get in the bed middle of the night -__-
Artemis on some advanced level napping right now lololololol
My #GTAV golf game nice
This nigga matt spent all his money in  #GTAV smh
"stop taking pictures"
So Artemis found a corner of the couch to crash in....
Ready for this interview...
I think Ares found his spot in the new spot... Been here all day lol
They give me credit for my rp points on the site but my character is only rank 5 cause the original is lost
@TheBCCL cuzzo it's the worst. Last night my shit was cooking.... Went to get back to it this evening and
I'm about to flip shit @RockstarGames!!! When I logged off I was rank 15 with $70k in the bank...
Got my garage ^_^
#CrimeLords @PrimetimeMat23X
Lol first thing I did was steal me a bravado Banshee
My entire friends list playing GTA Online except my brother in law
Me and my best friend
My nigga Franklin flossing

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I'm in a glass case of emotion!


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