I can't believe Emma turned two today! Time has flown unbelievably fast, but it has been wonderful :-D #proudmummoment
@ALRutter Here, have a baby picture. That used to help when Emma was tiny ;-)
@Pallekenl: Look what just arrived! So stoked :-D #guesswhatwerewatchingtonight
Yay my Christine Blevins prize arrived today! Thanks to the author and @readingthepast for a lovely giveaway!
Spring has sprung! First outing of the year (or ever) to the neighbourhood playground!
May I present Catherine Sophie Elizabeth van der Salm! Not the best pic, I'll try to get a better 1 when she's awake!
Look what arrived in the mail yesterday! Will be my next read :-D @LyndsayFaye @Bookywookydooda
There was this weird noise, which I couldn't identify. Turns out to be snoring from behind the TV! #catattack
@bartjancune Hier in Leiden komt het sinds een uur met een flink tempo uit de lucht vallen! #weercheck
Also, Emma graduated from the baby group at daycare today! She'll be going to the toddler group from tomorrow on!
Look at the pretty that just arrived! Can't wait to start it! @EvaStachniak @greenkatie
Dedicated fan alert! Net zolang huilen tot ze uit bed mag om @ekstraweekend op 101tv te kijken. #nooittejongvoorhumor
Today's project: Figuring out which baby clothes can go into storage and which need to come out for B2
@fleurwallenburg Nou dochterlief vindt het helemaal fantastisch hier! Nou nog zwaaien naar jou!
Bij het Glazen Huis. Het supercool :-) Emma is al twee keer op tv geweest! #SR11
Emma and daddy under Emma's first proper Christmas tree! This year I'm not allowed to grinch.
We're having a bake sale fundraiser at work for Serious Request 2011. It looks yummy! #SR11 #ubleiden
@stephendeas Just checked Old-Icelandic dictionary. Couldn't find nioingr, but did find this. Hope that helps a bit!
@ElspethCooper Lookit! Found at the bookstore! English one I saw last time was gone, but Dutch version in the wild!
Disney has wrought its spell on yet another generation. Emma is currently entranced by The Rescuers!
Look what I found in my mailbox today!! I hadn't expected that one :-D #surprise
Look what arrived today from @angryrobotbooks head quarters! #guesswhatillbedoingthisweekend
@michielveenstra Zie je ben echt mijn laptop kwijt!
Emma just took her first unaided steps! From the coffee table to the door! #proudmummoment

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