There’s some heat for ya fella.  The devils ice cream.
Dig out your old gaming equipment.  Any body got any of this old stuff it’s worth a fortune….
Quite possibly the best/funniest tattoo I’ve ever laid my eyes on.  #chuckle
I’m excited for this little fella… #iloveants
A touch of graffiti sometimes brightens the place up a little.. But this may be a superhero too far… #mylocal
Gordon had mentioned to the council a few times about a few ‘odd jobs’ doing over the years…..
I do like Tea… but I’m craaaazy about wine.  #almosttoomuch
Tree in a can… available in all good garden centres.. Oh and at Middleton In Teesdale at the old Kilns.
Is slowly recovering after his ramble in Middleton & Teesdale this afternoon.   Check this for snow in April. ….
Is that bright light popping through the clouds possibly….. Sol ???   #returnofsunlight
Happy ….  Ahem… ‘22’nd Birthday Mrs  Sèamónkey …. Little white lie added on request and discretional.   #33
Not soo much of a ‘Happy Meal’ from Mc. D’s
@ThePsyentistUK  a particular favourite of mine is 1980 - “Space Invaders Meet the Purple People Eater”.  See:
Yeah.  I’m half Danish and Fascinated by them…
Woke up this morning in Silent Hill
@Ginnerrr   Here’s that tv Jess.  I will also chuck in free black glass stand more than likely.
My snowman ended up more The Elephant Man than Peter Doherty… #damianhirstissafe
Some lucky fella is in for a treat with this stunner on Rabbit just now….
Now time for this….
Priceless news story from our beloved BBC….  One wonders if its an early April Fools gag. >>>
Morrisons on How NOT to be environmentally friendly.>>>
Morrisons way of being environmentally  ‘Unfriendly’.  Not big and not clever to keep a spring onion cool with air con.

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