Real smart... XDDD
Real smart... XDDD
Akhirnya dpt sendok yg gede!!! Mwahahah, mulut gw ternyt lebar jg!
@AoiHoshiDe dev, liat deh!!! Seems legit right? Mirip punya chiyu tp berkantong... (^∇^)& agak kgedean utk gw sih...
My ikebana teacher taught me how to make this!!! So hard!!! (ーー;)
My maid made me cake... It's so sweet even though though the bottom is burned ♪(´ε` )
Cute!!! ♪(´ε` )
Dupa sgede ini mo dipake buat apa? !(◎_◎;)
Wow, siri is available in Japanese as well ♪(´ε` ) I love you Siri (even if you're stupid)
Doesn't know when to play it, busy with midterms right now... And I'm still playing with the iPhone... (。-_-。)
The thing I got as a souvenir from Singapore was coffee and a ballon... At least it's worth it ♪(´ε` )
Hallmark bear!!!! So soft & cuddly (^人^)にゃあにゃあ!
My name!!!! FUUUUUUU!(◎_◎;)(´Д` )
Itu orang apa tengkorak yg digambarin sih??? Serem bgt!!!
Wow, sapaa yg bisa gituin sih? Mo coba!!

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