@TfLTPH Knightsbridge 8.30am 15/3 thought you were sorting this
@TfLTPH illegal signage Knightsbridge 11/3/16  08.00
Anyone else had problems getting FOI from Tfl as it exceeds time & cost to get info ?& HMRC can just break the law
Well done  @markthecab great chat at Westminster 4 hrs lot of talking 😃
@TfLTPH here's your inspection manual sent by Graham please explain ??
@TfLTPH here's the problem
@r7garry @TfLTPH it's what the public want
& to be replaced by this every journey matters
@@CoopsE1 this is interesting? Bet you didn't  get reply from  @TfLTPH ref gojo I'm sure it's to do with Tfl ? & I never gave permission ?
@acabbie try this lot very good & recovery was included for me last 2 years
@TfLTPH very poor hope the 999 call ends well they turned around & went diff way
@NickFerrariLBC madness
@ScoobyCabby @andycannell what's wrong they look good
I didn't do to bad then.well played mate
@TfLTPH Dan is this permitted ??
Is this ok ?
chuckles1025 lol Egypt diving with my Son staying on this
Who do I send this to ?? Tfl
Met police new police vehicle
VIC onboard
chuckles1025 @Sensatori no mate doing a live aboard can't wait
@chuckles1025 Miami & drove to st petes in this beast got friends there. Where you off to
@3offtheT what about this ?
@cabbiescapital bye join me

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