Lunch @ the Havey, then onto  @anepiphany house of pain around the corner!
Lunch @ the Havey, then onto  @anepiphany house of pain around the corner!
@Kerri_Mack I have the smallest travel iron if you want to borrow?
Dinner anyone?
Rain, rain & more rain today!
Cleaned out my fridge of all expired used by dates! If it says 2004, I assume no good? More room for Chardonnay!!
My new milk fridge for my coffee machine, that's cool!
Still a few punters at the Ed Hotel Shiraz Challenge today with our Zusammen & Re Vogel Shiraz #Adelaide
Zusammen 2006 Shiraz on tasting at the Ed Hotel Shiraz Chalenge today.
Shiraz Challenge at the Ed Hotel going off like a frog in a sock! Zusammen & Re Vogel Shiraz on tasting until 4pm today!

Is this him?
Zusammen directors lunch meeting with a nice bottle of our 2008 Barossa Shiraz.

@peteski_au  @anepiphany  @AshSimmonds  @jasondunstone  @Kerri_Mack
What the ..............? @AshSimmonds @anepiphany @peteski_au @bellajessica89 @jasondunstone
@AshSimmonds after a few Zusammen wines.
@IAmBiancaKing Absolutely! We have 3 winesentered into the Ed Hotel Shiraz challenge this Sunday. Zusammen & Re Vogel. Are you going?
Like I said earlier, women should be obscene & not heard!
A really nice pair!
Wine & a couple for good company! 

 @AshSimmonds likes this!
@bellajessica89 So drinking then?
Next course: Larp Chicken
Next course: Larp Chicken
Mastercheff eat your heart out!!!
Mastercheff eat your heart out!!!

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David Sprigg

Malvern, Adelaide

Im not an alcoholic, Im just an antisobrietist.

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