Jailbroken on 8.4 and unsure of a good theme? How about E is for Ezra & support charity too! http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.modmyi.eisforezraios7
On 8.4 with a jailbreak and unsure of a good theme to run? How about 1Derland Glyphish Icons http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.modmyi.1derlandwhiteglyphishicons/
On 8.4 with a jailbreak and unsure of a good theme to run? How about 1Derland http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.modmyi.1derland/
On 8.4 with a jailbreak and unsure of a good theme to run? How about RocketSauce http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.modmyi.rocketsaucehd/
On 8.4 with a jailbreak and unsure of a good theme to run? How about 1derful http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.modmyi.a1derfulhdtheme/
@cammywrites Can themes be purchased before WB update? Dev portal doesn’t show 8.3 compatibility option yet 4 themes
Moving into my new home, spotted this little guy napping on the wall outside front door. Does this mean I’m Batman?
Ordered my wife’s first MacBook Pro! 1st thing she wants is the red skin from the awesome guys at @iCarbonsdotcom
I bet…
Headed to check out this timepiece I keep hearing about…
Sufficed to say, I tipped VERY nicely…
My Spurs are peaking at just the right time as usual #NBA #playoffs #myteamcanbeatupyourteam
@hpmike43 @matthews436
Happy Easter!
Saw this on Facebook, got excited for 2 seconds about an 8.2 JB. But some dudes just broke out of jail is all #fail
“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that … (cont) http://tl.gd/nj9u92
The truest thing ever said ever. Ever. Evvverrrr.
Working hard today #ValeroTexasOpen #PGATour #18Green
1Derland iPad updated for iOS8 and live on Cydia! Three icon styles
If you purchased 1Derland Gold Glyphs and wondered why I called it that when you see blue and black, well, right.
My wife runs amateur golf tournaments & needed a logo for an upcoming event. The sponsor, Mrs. Brady loves turtles
@iculknfne I wound up going with iconoclasm

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Tim Collins

San Antonio, Tx

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