2 years ago you sent me this video message 
#BEST  @timdormer
@timdormer remember this lol
Enjoy today's weather in Melbourne 
I'm off to see the lion cubs at Werribee zoo
@timdormer this singlet 
Ep 7
Love it 
Would be perfect on my NZ trip 😜and a great 50th bday pressie 😜😝
@timdormer one of many Facebook posts before you won BB
@ChristieLeppa yes it's awesome .. I need to get a  pic  of my daughter Ashleigh who turns 25 next year with Justin
As she's had a pic with him every 10 years
Get a little stalkerish Twitter
@timdormer these are all the kids in taking around tonight :)
I love Halloween. You get free lollies without having to get into anyone's van.😜
@timdormer these are all the kids in taking around tonight :)
I love Halloween. You get free lollies without having to get into anyone's van.😜
@BenFordham and my neighbourhood
#goldenprincess beautiful morning to welcome the beautiful ship
Looking forward to going on the ship in February
My new stalker
I see you like nickelback 
I❀️ them 
Met them too
@timdormer from Lizzie ( One of the kids I babysit )
@Timdormer my niece just sent me this :)
I can match you Gene 
Woo hoo
Kiss tonight  #cantwait #soexcited
I can match you Gene 
Woo hoo
Kiss tonight  #cantwait #soexcited
Oh btw, this is the tweet I relied too, and scrolling thru her tweets - she deleted what she tweeted 
Anyway have better things to do, cya
@timdormer can you see the resemblance lol
@kieronjconroy vegemite BEST SPREAD FOR TOAST
Awesome book
Getting hot Melbourne 
Paul Stanley at 63 woo hoo
Still has it
Pretty cool street names I seen here in NSW AUSTRALIA
pity the spelling it wrong 
Still pretty awesome @KISSopolis   @PaulStanleyLive

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