Navajo Nation in New Mexico from highway :
You think it's hot where you are? :
Sittin' on the crapper wonderin' if I should take this 5K to the tables when I'm done here :
My view of the pool at the #MandalayBay in #Vegas from the suite :
Hope my moms is happy with this, yo :
Fuck yeah!
#Dumbass of the night award goes to me. I just tried changing a light socket ... with the breaker on!
Caught Batman in a rut today :
#WT PB&J :
#Swag vandalism :
I made these earlier : 

 a bunch of beer, too. Can't sleep. I'm thirsty ... for water.
@Ralphie_May Dude, just saw this today re weed laws in AZ :
I made these earlier :
I'm a take few swigs outta dis 'fore I fall in the pool while cookin' ribs :
Davey Fuckin' Crocket ain't got shit on my homestead for the night :
Fuckin' this old trick is hittin' on @rickyborracho :
Dead man's float in my plastic pool :
Was at the store earlier. The lady was off doin' stuff. I stayed busy with @Combat_Jack 's review of the new Beastie Boys :

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Papi Chulo

Drunken State of Mind

I'm stupid. So are you. I engage in fuckery.


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